We have known for a long time that an increase in heat to the testicles may impair fertility, but now we have further information to show that use of wireless laptop devices may also increase the likelihood of sperm damage. We have learned from this study that RF-EMW cause free-radical damage to the sperm, including DNA fragmentation.
The best ways to prevent damage from RF-EMW due to wireless laptop computers, is to avoid using them directly on your lap. Always set your laptop computer on a table when possible. This test is the first of its kind, and more tests like this may need to be performed to show the greater outcome of wireless laptop computer use and the link to infertility. If the health of sperm can be affected by Wi-Fi connected laptops, the health to female egg’s may be at risk as well. It is best to avoid using a laptop computer on your lap, ever.
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One of the best ways to help protect your body from free-radical damage is to eat a whole food diet, with a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, and include a complete antioxidant supplement.
Laptops damage sperm health and decrease fertility. A recent study published by Fertility and Sterility, performed by doctors at the Center for Reproductive Medicine in Cordoba, Argentina, showed that Wi-Fi connected laptop computers decrease sperm motility, while increasing sperm DNA fragmentation. Researchers wanted to find out if laptop computer’s Wi-Fi connection played a role in decreasing sperm health alone. In the past, it was believed that the heat alone from a laptop computer may cause adverse effects to sperm health, but this new study shows that laptop computers connected to the internet through Wi-Fi damaged sperm through a non-thermal effect.
Scientists began to wonder if the increase in use of portable computers connected to wireless internet could increase infertility. Laptops are a daily part of many peoples lives, allowing for ease and flexibility of instant connection to the web. Wi-Fi internet is available at most libraries, coffee shops and cafes. This may seem like a dream-come-true for many, as the advancement of technology connects us in ways never thought possible in the past. The downside is that laptop users are directly exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic waves (RF-EMW), as well as high temperatures. If the laptop device is held on the lap, exposure to RF-EMW and high temperature is directly transmitted to the genitals.
Over the last number of years, male infertility has been steadily increasing. Many scientists have suggested this may be due to RF-EMW’s as free-radicals. Free-radicals cause oxidative damage to our cells, including sperm and female eggs. Free-radical damage may cause sperm immotility, cell death and lower the integrity of the DNA. DNA fragmentation due to free-radical damage has been linked to impaired fertilization, poor embryonic fertilization, miscarriage, increased incidence of morbidity in offspring, and increased incidence of childhood cancer in offspring.
The objective is to evaluate the effects of laptop computers connected to local area networks wirelessly (Wi-Fi) on human spermatozoa.
Semen samples were taken from 29 healthy men, ages 26-45. The semen samples were divided into 2 groups.
Group B were incubated 3cm under a laptop computer, the same distance of exposure from a laptop computer to the male testes.
The group A samples (control) were incubated under similar conditions, but without any type of exposure to a computer.
Group B was incubated at room temperature, under a laptop computer connected to the internet wirelessly at 2.4 GHz. The computer worked actively, uploading and downloading information to induce the greatest possible effect. Group B was incubated in this environment for 4 hours. The samples were kept at 25 degrees Celsius by an air conditioning system. Group A was kept at the same temperature consistently, but not exposed to the computer.
The radiation from the computer operating with Wi-Fi was three times higher than without Wi-Fi and 7-15 times higher than conditions without the computer.
There was a significant decrease in progressive sperm motility and non-motile sperm in Group B. There was a significant increase in sperm DNA fragmentation in Group B, compared to Group A.
The plausible explanation for the impaired sperm motility could be that the magnetic and electromagnetic fields cause free-radical damage through oxidation of phospholipids, a major component of the sperm’s mitochondrial sheath.
One interesting finding in this study is that there were no differences in sperm vitality between Group A and Group B.
Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation; Conrado Avendan, M.S., Ariela Mata, M.S.,aCesar A. Sanchez Sarmiento, M.D., Ph.D., and Gustavo F. Doncel, M.D., Ph.D.: Fertility and Sertility, January 2012 (Vol. 97 | No. 1 | Pages 39-45.e2)
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Sarah Jane Sandy is a certified nutrition therapist, and a fertility and women’s health expert. She has helped hundreds of women increase their fertility naturally and go on to have healthy full-term pregnancies. Learn more about her own fertility journey here. To send Sarah a message, complete her Contact Form.
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